Tuesday, January 22, 2013

ReLiEviNG aN oLD PaSSi0N

Blogging is an old love of mine. I started writing for my personal blog, which soon became a living. Because of my passion for reading and writing, I learned to write about different things that I find wonderful and amazing.

Since I did online jobs, I came to neglect blogging. Though this is a favorite hobby, it came to a point when I totally forget about it. There were times that it flashes into my mind, but with my busy schedule, I had no choice but to set it aside.

Right now, I can say that I really missed it. Blogging is one of the things I do to relieve stress and sadness.  It gives me so much joy especially when people find my blog entries inspiring and helpful.

At this point, I am promising to find time for my personal blog. I may not post entries on a daily basis, but I will do my best to update it as often as possible.

I am really excited since I got some adventures to share starting January. I hope I can re-live by blogging days.

For now, let me welcome back myself! :D

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