Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's BeeN 40 DaYs ...

Baby, it's been 40 days since you joined the Lord Almighty. As they say, you now leave the earth permanently. That means, Mommy and Daddy will miss you forever. You know, it is still painful for Daddy and Mommy (specially me) knowing you won't be back anymore. But with just a prayer, my longing for you decreases. I am sure that you are now happy in heaven and that makes me at ease. I just hope that you tell Papa Jesus to let me see you even in my dreams. Just once please. Even for just a while, I would be very thankful.

As you know, I was not able to see your pretty face when I gave birth to you. I just don't know why. Even when you were blessed, the priest did not allow me to. And when we were about to take you out of the hospital, the nurse advised me not to open you up. Whenever I think of what has transpired, I realize a lot of things. So, I thought that GOD made it that way. In that case, the pain I feel will not be too heavy to carry.

Baby, don't ever think that Mommy did not take care of you. I really did my best and you know how much I like you. I waited for you so long and I won't let you go. However, things happen for a reason that we do not have control of. Things that only GOD knows why it should happen. Since we are not there with you, Papa Jesus will take care of you. Also, some of our relatives will watch out for you.

So, for now we won't say Goodbye rather, See you later. I know that in time, we will be together. To my daughter - Adrianne Jasmine, mommy loves you so much. Don't worry, you will have a baby sister/brother at the right time.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

L0Ve AnD HeaLiNg

Its been three weeks now since I lost my precious baby girl. It was a very painful journey for us but we still managed to keep our faith. With the help of GOD's love and grace, we are able to go through each day of our lives.

As they say, GOD never gives us trials which we can't bear. When HE closes a door, HE opens a window. These saying maybe typical but I always believe in them. These have been my guiding principles that's why I am getting stronger.

Few more days and it will be our baby's 40 days since her death. Will I be fully recovered by then? Only time can tell and only the Lord can make it happen. As for now, I just do my part. I always pray for her soul and also for our healing as well.

Despite of what happened, GOD is still good since HE gave me a lot of good persons to lean on. I have my very supportive family - parents, sisters and brothers. And on top of that, a very loving HUSBAND.

During the time of my mourning, my husband never left my side. With just the warmth of his embrace, everything turns out fine. I felt so secure and loved. LOVE helps heal all wounds and TIME completes the healing.

LORD, we lift everything to you now. May your will be done. When the right time comes, we will gladly accept another gift of life from you. In your own time, may it be done.