Thursday, August 4, 2011

My FirSt SteP in SiNGaPoRe

March 26, 2011 - My first step in the MerLion City was made. This was my first time to go out of the country and it was really memorable. I traveled alone and was very clueless on what lies ahead of me. But my strong motivation was with me all the time and really made strong.

At around 4PM, my friend Realee picked me up at the Changi Airport. I can't hide the admiration I felt with the place since everything is amazing! Singapore is a very nice place to visit, a conducive place to work and a great place to stay. How I wish my husband was with me during this trip. :(

It's been more than three months now and this blog post was way too late. But, as they say it's better to be late than never, right?

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